Christmas Wish
This time of the year fills our hearts with so many different emotions. May I share mine with you?
I know that in my younger days, there was a certain amount of dread about Christmas. It was a lot of hassle. As families from afar get together, I would ask myself: do I look like I’ve aged a lot, gotten fatter, have less hair, not as successful as I should be? Can I afford to take off this much work, travel so far to be with families, being locked up in a car with three little boys, visiting with relatives that I may only see once or twice a year that I don’t particularly enjoy? Are my obligatory gifts good enough and do they measure up?
I think I have come to appreciate Christmas more today than ever before. Certain things I dreaded in my earlier days, I now relish. I know that getting together has become more difficult, and will get even more difficult, as my children’s families have other obligations. But I know it is worth the effort.
Always at Christmas, I am reminded of who is not with me any more: both my parents, my stepfather, my grandparents, and so many more. But when I think of them, I smile. So many memories of Christmas past are of those who are gone, but so important. I think of the joyous times we had and how important Christmas was to them.
I appreciate the ones that can be with us; and miss the ones that cannot. I have come to realize that the coming year will be full of changes, that next Christmas could be very different, and that I must appreciate what I have at this moment. The time together is the most important part of Christmas to me.
Now more than at any time of my life, I get a sense of rejuvenation of my salvation during Christmas. What Christ did for me, and others, surely I can repay in some form to my family, friends, and those in need.
My Christmas wish for the members of Clinkscales Elder Law, our friends, and our clients and their families, is that they reach out to one another, spend some time together, and be grateful for that opportunity.
Merry Christmas